This blog is an amalgamation of notes I make while working on spare-time projects or new things I learn.

I’ve been active in the software industry for over 12 years and build solutions with the help of C, JavaScript, Ruby, Elixir and Docker. Most of these where backend systems and the occasional prototypes build with Vue.js, React or React-Native.

Part of my spare time is reserved for tinkering with micro-controllers and subjects such as BlueTooth LE and C programming. The rest of my time I like to spend on cycling, woodworking, hiking and reading.

Also, I am followed courses on Udacity in the school of Autonomous Systems. In October 2020 I completed the 4 month Intro to Self-Driving Cars ND, and completed the 6 month Self-Driving Car Engineer ND April 2021.

If you like what your read, or if you have some constructive feedback, don’t hesitate to comment on the respective articles. You can also contact me via my profile links.